Semen is a mix of seminal fluids and sperms from the male reproductive system. Sperms contain DNA that can be useful for DNA testing because they are easy are non-invasive. The semen can be used in cases of rape and defilement to pin point culprits .

How to Collect Semen for DNA Testing

Semen sample can be collected from various areas:

1. Semen stain in underwears and clothes:

   i) Cut the area stained with semen fluid carefully from the cloth using razor blade or scissors.

   ii) Place the piece in a clean envelope and seal.

   iii) Ship immediately to the laboratory for analysis.

2. Semen in condom

   i) Wrap the used condom in a clean envelope without spilling the contents and ship it into the lab.

   ii) One can dip several clean ear buds/Q-tips into the semen fluid and air dry the buds/Q-tips for an hour then place the dried buds/Q-tips in a clean envelope and ship to the lab.

The sample must be delivered to the lab as soon as possible to avoid contamination and DNA decay.

The sample should be collected within 48 hours.

DNA in semen sample degrades at a very high rate and the success rate will be determined by a number of factors, such sperm count in semen, storage and handling conditions, time the sample was collected.

The samples should be properly labelled with the name of the participant, date of birth and test ID.

DNA Testing Process

Acceptable DNA Samples


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