Elastoplasts/bandaid are used in open wound dressing to prevent contamination and bacterial infection. As a result of direct contact with blood tissue and cells they tend to absorb significant cells from the wound that can be used for DNA testing and forensic investigations. They are easy to collect and store and can be used for DNA testing in the absence of a participant and provide an alternative to invasive acquisition of samples with a 90% success rate. Elatoplasts / bandaids provide trace evidence in case of crime to identify the right culprits and a relatively high quality sample can be obtained from elastoplasts/bandaid due to direct contact with open would and body fluids from wound. No special storage conditions needed for transportation of the sample. However, elastoplasts/bandaids are mostly disposed in hazardous dustbins and are likely to be contaminated and interfere with the DNA integrity. Recently used Elastoplasts / bandaids are needed and these might not be easy to get at the time of DNA analysis.Additionally, Elastoplasts/bandaid are infectious and might cause disease if not properly handled.

How to Collect Elastoplast / Bandaid for DNA testing

1. Elastoplasts/bandaid should be used recently in wound dressing.

2. Elastoplasts/bandaid should contain stains from the wound.

3. Ensure that the Elastoplasts/Bandaid are not contaminated and that there's no fungal growth.

4. Wear sterile gloves, remove the Elastoplasts/Bandaid from the wound carefully and place it inside a sterile envelope and seal the envelope.

5. Label accordingly (name, collection date, relationship).

6. Send to the laboratory for analysis.

DNA Testing Process

Acceptable DNA Samples


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