How to Transfer Files between KENCLUST and your Computer

Prepared by Angus A. Nassir

In the last post, I demonstrated how to access KENCLUST remotely using PUTTY on your windows computer. In this post, I describe how to securely move files from your computer to KENCLUST and from KENCLUST to your computer using WinSCP. WinSCP is an open-source SSH File Transfer Protocol, Amazon S3, WebDAV, and secure copy protocol client for Microsoft Windows allows one to transfer files. File transfer is a necessary operation during bioinformatics analysis.

How to install WinSCP.

Step 1: click the link below to download the installation package.

Installation link

WinSCP download page
The download will begin immediately

WinSCP download in progress

Step 2: click on the downloaded file then click the “run” tab

running WinSCP installer
Step 3: Accept the License Agreement

WinSCP license agreement

Step 4: click "Next"

WinSCP upgrade

Step 5: click Install" to install WinSCP in the default folder

WinSCP default installation folder

Step 6: WinSCP will install in the default folder

WinSCP installation

Step 7: Click Finish to exit the installer once the installation completes

WinSCP installation complete

Step 8: double click on the shortcut icon to start WinSCP
Step 9: Enter your KENCLUST IP address, name and password sent to your email in the provided spaces.

WinSCP interface

Step 10: Give your session a name and click on the “save” tab
Step 11: Click on the name of your saved session and start the session by clicking the “login” button
Step 12: provide the password sent to your email

WinSCP Password window

Step 12: Congratulations! You are now inside your folder in the KenClust server.

Accessing KENCLUST using WinSCP

Step 13: Next, we move some files from your local computer to the server.

Click on the link below to download the provided fastq sequence.

Download File

Create a folder called “Testing” and save the downloaded sequence inside this folder.

Login to KENCLUST server using your credentials as demonstrated in the last episode and create a directory called “Testing” using the mkdir command.

Creating Directory in KENCLUST

Step 14: Make sure the directory on the left pane of the WinSCP points to the “Testing” folder on your machine and the directory on the right pane of WinSCP points to the “Testing” folder on the KENCLUST server.

WinSCP user interface panes

Step 15: Click on the test.gz file in the Testing folder of your computer to upload it to the Testing folder on your server

Uploading file to KENCLUST using WinSCP

Congratulations! You have successfully copied the Test.gz file from your computer to your folder on the KENCLUST server. To move files from your folder in the server to your computer hard drive simply click the file on the right pane in the server and click the “Download” tab. The file will be downloaded to the folder in your computer.

PUTTY default installation folder

Next, we look at how to get publicly available gene datasets from the NCBI repository using SRA Tools and wget command.

NEXT >> Downloading Gene Datasets using SRA Tools and wget command